Hello guys,
This is Lokomotiv, a Romanian train comunity, well established for over 13 years .
We open now this English section , due to the increased interest shown on our forum by English speaker train enthusiasts.
You will find here information regarding real romanian 1:1 trains ( old and nowdays ), but also information regarding out beloved "small " trains in scales like Z, N, TT, H0e, H0m, H0, G.
You will also find here info regarding our Romanian train models at N, TT, H0 scales, from either larger manufactures or scratcbuilt.
We have here a lot of people with a lot of knowledge on their field of interest / expertise.
With your will , this is just a brief summary of our Lokomotiv train forum.
Please join us and you will find an interesting new world from Romania !
Many thanks,
Marius aka "sesamcave"
PS: Asta e ce imi trece mie acum prin cap....sper saptamana ce vine sa am mai mult timp ca sa vad cum fac....deschiderea .
PPS: NU am pretentia ca sunt 100 % corect gramatical ....sau corect, asa ca oricine e binevenit sa ma corecteze.
Daca am decis sa ma inham la sarcina asta, am decis pe ceea ce stiu si folosesc zi de zi.
Sunt pe forum vorbitori de engleza mult mai buni decat mine.
Un tandem bun ar fi fost cu Vali Voica , dar ...suntem un pic certati de cand a fost incidentul cu baiatul din Galati ....
....iarasi Catalin ar fi bun la engleza, si mai sunt....
...incerc doar sa ajut forumul, pro bono, cu ceva....am crescut practic cu forumul acesta, e o parte din viata mea si din viata multora dintre noi...cred ca pot da si eu inapoi o particica din timpul meu.
This is Lokomotiv, a Romanian train comunity, well established for over 13 years .
We open now this English section , due to the increased interest shown on our forum by English speaker train enthusiasts.
You will find here information regarding real romanian 1:1 trains ( old and nowdays ), but also information regarding out beloved "small " trains in scales like Z, N, TT, H0e, H0m, H0, G.
You will also find here info regarding our Romanian train models at N, TT, H0 scales, from either larger manufactures or scratcbuilt.
We have here a lot of people with a lot of knowledge on their field of interest / expertise.
With your will , this is just a brief summary of our Lokomotiv train forum.
Please join us and you will find an interesting new world from Romania !
Many thanks,
Marius aka "sesamcave"
PS: Asta e ce imi trece mie acum prin cap....sper saptamana ce vine sa am mai mult timp ca sa vad cum fac....deschiderea .
PPS: NU am pretentia ca sunt 100 % corect gramatical ....sau corect, asa ca oricine e binevenit sa ma corecteze.
Daca am decis sa ma inham la sarcina asta, am decis pe ceea ce stiu si folosesc zi de zi.
Sunt pe forum vorbitori de engleza mult mai buni decat mine.
Un tandem bun ar fi fost cu Vali Voica , dar ...suntem un pic certati de cand a fost incidentul cu baiatul din Galati ....
....iarasi Catalin ar fi bun la engleza, si mai sunt....
...incerc doar sa ajut forumul, pro bono, cu ceva....am crescut practic cu forumul acesta, e o parte din viata mea si din viata multora dintre noi...cred ca pot da si eu inapoi o particica din timpul meu.