Vagon curatat sina

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Well-Known Member
13 Noiembrie 2008
Salutare colegi!
A folosit cineva ceva asemanator sau a incercat cineva sa construiasca asa ceva?
Or fi bune de ceva?

Nu am inteles ce se introduce sub capacul de langa comutator...
uite niste discutii interesante despre vagoane de curatat linia si ceva link-uri.undeva se vorbeste si de vagonul de mai sus...
cititi aici:
Eu folosesc alcool ,nu sterg cu nimic abraziv sinele . :D
el spune "solutie de curatat sina". foarte probabil alcool, asa cum spune budy. solutia respectiva ajunge pe buretele de langa disc.
Interesanta si ideea de lustruire/polish-are a sinelor:

[About four years ago, I learned of the burnishing method and the principals behind it. I proceeded to burnish and polish all my rails - it looked for all the world like it was chrome plated it was so smooth and shiney !!! That was the last time I've ever needed to clean my track with ANYthing. I have gone for numerous months at a time where the layout nary turns a wheel, yet when I do go to run it, it performs flawlessly. Four years after the fact, the rails still shine like chrome and it still runs like the day I did it !!!]

Acum mai trebuie gasita o unealta pt. lustruit aur din fildes ceva...