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M-am exprimat eu putin ambiguu. Dupa cite stiu eu gri-sobolan era culoarea standard a armatei germane. Ulterior a aparut verde sau galben-desert in functie de zona unde se desfasura conflictul. Camuflarea si graficile vin peste culorile standard in general.

Despre fumul locomotivei am vazut mai multe variante de a pacali aviatia, prin diverse dispozitive cu burlan lung care dirijaza fumul, posibil spre partea inferioara. Cit despre tiraj, asta e o alta poveste.

Cit despre grafica adoptata am aici un exemplu cu un Br55 G7,1 in niste culori pe care putem doar sa le vedem cu ochiul mintii:
andrei_nsts a spus:
Cit despre grafica adoptata am aici un exemplu cu un Br55 G7,1 in niste culori pe care putem doar sa le vedem cu ochiul mintii:

Liliput a incercat sa redea asa ceva: L104224 Güterzuglokomotive mit Schlepptender Baureihe 42, DR, Ep. II

Sincer nu cred ca este exact RAL-ul culorilor reale. Pare putin cam tipatoare iar daco o asezi intr-o padure sare in ochi din prima. In schimb merge ca varianta de primavara cind verdele era crud.

Uite ce gasisem eu care cred ca e putin mai aproape de adevar.
Mie imi plac Br 44 in diferitele variante de vopsire ROCO (1999-2004)

Un producator de serii limitate cu diverse camuflaje.

Pt. Blue-Max:

1.German Armored Trains 1904-1945
Wolfgang Sawodny
Price: $99.99

Book Details
ISBN: 9780764335235
Size: 9" x 12"
\Illustrations: over 1000 bw images
Pages: 428 Availability: Now Available
Binding: Hard Cover

Book Description
This new book is the definitive reference on this little known subject.
Starting with the first German uses of military armored trains in the early 1900s,
the book continues through the World War I and Reichswehr periods, to World War II,
the main focus of the book. Detailed design, construction, and technical aspects are
discussed, as well as analysis of armored train operations on all war fronts that saw them
used: Poland, France, the Balkans, Italy, and their extensive use on the Russian Front.
Also covered are the use of captured trains, noted personnel, and a history of each train unit.

2.German Armored Trains in WWII Vol. 1
Wolfgang Sawodny
Price: $12.99

Book Details
ISBN: 0887401988
Size: 11" x 8 1/4"
Illustrations: b/w photographs,
line drawings Pages: 52
Availability: Now Available
Binding: Soft Cover

Book Description
This book gives a detailed account of the types and employment of German
armored trains during WWII

3. German Armored Trains on the Russian Front 1941-1944
Wolfgang Sawodny
Price: $10.95

Book Details
ISBN: 0764317830
Size: 8 1/2” x 11”
Illustrations: 130+ b/w photots
Pages: 48
Availability: Now Available
Binding: Soft Cover

Book Description
This new book is the third by Wolfgang Sawodny on German armored
trains in World War II, and presents all new information not previously
discussed in his first two highly successful volumes. The main emphasis
here is on the operational history of German armored train units on the
Russian front, and includes many previously unpublished photographs.

4. Les Trains Blindes Francais 1826-1962

Author/s: Paul Malmassari
Publisher: Editions Soteca
Pages: 271
Language: French
Edition: 1
Year of publication: 2010
Dimensions: 30 x 21 cm
Binding: Paperback

This book, exclusively written in French language, describes the doctrine,
service and technique of French armoured trains between 1826 and 1962.
The service in Algeria and Indochina is also explained on abut 70 pages.
The book is illustrated throughout with contemporary illustrations, photographs,
maps and some small scale drawings showing some of the vehicles.
Cu placere.
M-ar bucura sa avem un grup de oameni pasionati in a face cea cu minutele lor decit sa cumpere plastice de-a gata msi sa le puna pe linii.