Gützold /Piko br86 DCC


Active Member
21 Ianuarie 2012
Is it possible to fit Gützold /Piko br86 with adequate motor for DCC ?


Can i have someone's suggestion about purchasing motor.
Which one motor should i buy.
Old original one, also used by BR24, BR64 and diesel loco G15

Is Piko nr.art.56000 the best option instead of old motor, Is his snail compatibile with loco gears for br86 ?
For a good smooth run without noise you must get an original worm gear an a new motor.
My BR 86 is remotorised with a new generation Mabuchi flat motor without flywheel , the worm gear is from the old motor because is a little big larger in diameter than the new worms with different pitch and shape of the teeth.
I have a photo with my locomotive open for mounting led lights and you can see the new motor.
I have old motor, but can old snail be removed from it ?
I think i don't have last gear on top of the chassis ?!, and montage platte, but it can be done new motor i think and original snail.
Do you have picture of new motor, im planning ESU 4.0 DCC
The worm can be extracted from the old motor very easy.Remove the safety washer and then pull out the worm from the motor shaft.
Unfortunately i don't have a better picture with the motor in the locomotive but i found a picture on the internet.
I think i have one missing gear, that's how i bought it.

Can you please give me some more pictures of your br86 interior, which decoder you use, is there enough room to fit decoder ?

Sorry for the delayed pictures.The decoder in my locomotive it's an Uhlenbrock 76420


i think you must remove capacitors and coils for smooth dcc operation. It looks like that motor is similar to piko motor
the coils and capacitor make a L-C filter that reduces the interference curents made by the motor.Whitout this filter the decoder might not work properly, belive me i had problems with some locomotives because of that.
hm intersesting, in esu lokpilot manual and most pictures of dcc motors capacitors as choke supressors and coils were removed.