- 17 Ianuarie 2006
- 5.547
- 16
- http://www.trains-addicted.ro
- bogdannf
- Cluj Napoca / Bucuresti
Welcome on the lokomotiv forum !
Here you can find most of the romanian train and train scale model fans.
The language used on this site is romanian , but you are welcome to write in english or french, we will be happy to answer you.
Here are few explanations about the main forums on this site:
Asociatiii si cluburi din Romania -> Oficial romanian train clubs.
Trenuri -> Topics about real trains from Romania and elsewhere.
Modelism feroviar - Noutati -> News in the model scale trains domain.
Modelism Feroviar - Informatii utile pentru toata lumea -> Practical informations, helpful for beginers and not only.
Modelism Feroviar - Atelier / Modelism, Tips & Tricks -> Model trains - workshop, tips & tricks.
Modelism Feroviar - Prezentari -> This is most like a foto galery, but includes comments also:
- Prezentari diorame -> Layouts presentations.
- Prezentari modele -> Train scale models presentations.
- Prezentari colectii personale / colectii tematice -> Personal colections of our members
- Alte categorii de modele -> Other types of models
We wish you a great time while surfing on our site.
Here you can find most of the romanian train and train scale model fans.
The language used on this site is romanian , but you are welcome to write in english or french, we will be happy to answer you.
Here are few explanations about the main forums on this site:
Asociatiii si cluburi din Romania -> Oficial romanian train clubs.
Trenuri -> Topics about real trains from Romania and elsewhere.
Modelism feroviar - Noutati -> News in the model scale trains domain.
Modelism Feroviar - Informatii utile pentru toata lumea -> Practical informations, helpful for beginers and not only.
Modelism Feroviar - Atelier / Modelism, Tips & Tricks -> Model trains - workshop, tips & tricks.
Modelism Feroviar - Prezentari -> This is most like a foto galery, but includes comments also:
- Prezentari diorame -> Layouts presentations.
- Prezentari modele -> Train scale models presentations.
- Prezentari colectii personale / colectii tematice -> Personal colections of our members
- Alte categorii de modele -> Other types of models
We wish you a great time while surfing on our site.