Salutare! Schimb 3 macaze TT cu motorase, profil vechi U (folosite, dar in f. buna stare), cu un macaz profil I. Mai am sine TT profil U si un transformator vechi.
Pentru o locomotiva cu aburi TT noua ofer la schimb un hard drive extern wireless 500GB (valoare 200 Euro): SEAGATE GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage. Take your media library with you. Stream it to your iPadĂÂŽ or AndroidĂÂŽ tablet. Take more than 300 HD movies on-the-go1. Stream media over Wi-Fi to 8 Wi-Fi enabled devices at the same time. Stream media and documents from your PC or MacĂÂŽ computer. Up to 7 hours battery life. Detalii mai multe pe site la Seagate.
Pentru o locomotiva cu aburi TT noua ofer la schimb un hard drive extern wireless 500GB (valoare 200 Euro): SEAGATE GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage. Take your media library with you. Stream it to your iPadĂÂŽ or AndroidĂÂŽ tablet. Take more than 300 HD movies on-the-go1. Stream media over Wi-Fi to 8 Wi-Fi enabled devices at the same time. Stream media and documents from your PC or MacĂÂŽ computer. Up to 7 hours battery life. Detalii mai multe pe site la Seagate.