CFR Trip report - europeanrail

At Bucuresti Nord, it was too late to get a sleeper reservation from the ticket
office, so after some food I joined train 360 21.05 Bucuresti-Beograd and
“negotiated” a twin berth cabin to myself for 20 euros, “cash in pocket” (it was
a ZS sleeper attendant - some things never change!).

Tră’iasc㒠naşu'! Ce ne-am face fă’r㒠el? :-D E drept, dac㒠ar fi fost naş român, probabil lua mai mult.
Dr2005 a spus:
Tră’iasc㒠naşu'! Ce ne-am face fă’r㒠el? :-D E drept, dac㒠ar fi fost naş român, probabil lua mai mult.

Åži am avut dreptate, românii sunt mai lacomi...
Encountered a ranting Gripper on the IC back to
Bucuresti due to us not having the compulsory reservation. Paid him 45lei (£9) which went in his back pocket and no ticket was issued!

Au plă’tit cam multicel pentru o diferenţ㒠de rang şi un loc (c㒠asta le trebuia)...

Åži au mai pă’ţit şi altele:
In the evening tried to
find our way to Berestroika, the Brewpub in Bucuresti, but got taken for a ride by a cab driver who dropped us miles from it!
CFR visit June 2011 (very long) - europeanrail<i></i>

Ce zice să’racu' om doritor de Sulzer... c㒠nu mai calc㒠niciodat㒠în ţara asta... c㒠sistemul feroviar românesc se aseamă’n㒠cu unul din Asia ca standarde de calitate.

Urât, dom'le, urât (din partea CFR-ului, nu din partea stră’inilor)!!!
Did the Bucuresti to Iasi overnight - truely horrible stock / people etc, didnt
get much sleep at all, not helped by people wandering along the train at all
hours trying to sell me a phone.

Did the line from Adjud to Ciceu through the mountains with 41 0741 on P5201
0415 Marastesti to Miercurea Ciuc. [...]Too many dodgy people on the train as well. The second drunk to try and
become my friend got the full `are there no normal people in this country?'

S-a lovit şi el de problemele de care ne lovim cu toţii când că’lă’torim cu CFR Că’lă’tori :evil:
Dr2005 a spus:
S-a lovit şi el de problemele de care ne lovim cu toţii când că’lă’torim cu CFR Că’lă’tori :evil:

M㒠bucur mult c㒠citeşti comentariilor unor ”outsideri” care povestesc despre Că’ile noastre ferate... Cât despre ce ai citat şi tu, şi eu am fă’cut ochii mari când am citit: omul a fost sincer şi s-a lovit, exact cum ai spus tu, de aceleaşi probleme cu care ne confruntă’m şi noi, românii.

Aici şi-au fă’cut un mini-forum separat unde vorbeşte fiecare despre experienţele proprii în România: . Hai noroc şi numai bine! Tuturor!
Trip Report 15 - 20 september 2011<i></i> - CFRRailGen

Sunt mirat la felul cum se plimb㒠aceşti pasionaţi şi de-a dreptul speriat de ceea ce vă’d...
Just for fun, we decided to have the loco to Moldova (Thanks to Jools for
putting that crazy idea in my head). Proper border formalities are carried out
and passports stamped. On the return, some chap asked if we'd take his booty
across for him. Honestly, did he think we were born yesterday! Needless to say,
at the border post, everyone was told to get off for a full check. Once we'd
alighted, Bert 2 said he wasn't interested in us and to get back on. Everyone
else's luggage was subject to the full scrutiny that border police can exercise.
Panels in the carriage were removed and every compartment examined. Matey with
the booty got back on only for the guard to return his stash!