Locomotive cu abur din colectia Doru

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BR06 Lemaco

<r>O locomotiva cu abur carenata BR06 inmatriculare epoca II DRG "Handarbeitsmodelle" Lemaco, a intrat de curand in colectia mea. Este un model fara multe detalii, asa cum era si in realitate. Carena ascunde ceea ce face deliciul unei locomotive cu abur: tevi,compresoare,robineti, etc Totusi e foarte bine realizata. S-a avut mare grija la reprezentarea elementelor din marchiza si pe dedesupt. Este integral din alama.Usile la marchiza se deschid, la fel si usile de acces la camera de fum.<br/>
Tractiunea se face cu motorul din cazan, care are un ambreiaj. La rece se comporta ca o locomotiva dummy. <br/>
<URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/71a3e916.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_71a3e916.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/e9c0dbee.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_e9c0dbee.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/84f8f206.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_84f8f206.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/76513b7c.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_76513b7c.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/6c01d2de.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_6c01d2de.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/0cf85809.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_0cf85809.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/af19f176.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_af19f176.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/0cfbcd9f.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx207/armik_photos/th_0cfbcd9f.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL><br/>
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La Brawa e decupata fusta carenei pentru a intra pe R3 sau R4 (PDI stie mai bine ).De aceea se cuvine intrebarea: ce raza minima a curbei poate sa atace?

Felicitari pentru alamuri, ai o adevarata fanfara!!!

Stai bine cu bigudiurile, cam des ai bucle-n freza! :D
in loc sa ai cel putin Tillig Elite sub alama, jignesti bunaciunile cu Roco...

Neaparat si obligatoriu trebuie ceva de soi la contactul cu solul. Platesti bine? ;-)
BR 45 Lemaco

<r>O alta aburoasa LEMACO BR45. Model foarte bine detaliat in comparatie cu ce am avut anterior LILIPUT. Un lucru e cert! Nu merge pe R2 de la ROCO<br/>
<URL url="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/8c083936.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/th_8c083936.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/94b3ba1c.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/th_94b3ba1c.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/1d68180d.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/th_1d68180d.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/8725684c.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/th_8725684c.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL> <URL url="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/e9cb3a59.jpg"><s></s><IMG src="http://i546.photobucket.com/albums/hh406/dorucob/th_e9cb3a59.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL><br/>
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Alte poze cu cea mai mare locomotiva cu abur destinata trenurilor de marfa din Europa.
Insemnele epocii II DRG il voi onora pe OBIWAN sa mi le lipeasca pe lateralele locomotivei :lol:


Pentru asemenea editie trebuie sa-mi pun uniforma de zile mari si sa ma rad in cap. Merita!!!
înţeleg c㒠are motorul în cazan şi tracţiunea pe o singur㒠osie.... Angrenarea celorlalte osii se face doar prin biele, nu? Cum rulează’? Angrenarea prin biele e chiar aşa de reuşită’? Altora nu le reuşeşte aşa de bine.... De obicei se angreneaz㒠toate osiile cu pinioane chiar dac㒠exist㒠şi bielele.... S㒠te bazezi doar pe biele - e mare inginerie.
Poate e unul dintre motivele pentru care nu abordeaz㒠curbe R2... Åži asta nu e o critică’. în realitate R2 nici nu există’. Poate doar la tramvaie.
Locomotiva are intr-adevar motorul in cazan. Producatorul nu da decat aceasta schita cu sistemul de ungere, mod de desfacere si de montare a accesorilor. Pot doar sa zic ca nealimentata, locomotiva se comporta DUMMY avand un ambreiaj. Pe un traseu drept de la un start set de ROCO merge foarte fin fara nicio sincopa. Bielele sunt ceva mai groase decat la alte marci si nu se indoaie asa de usor.

Cateva date legate de aceasta locomotiva deosebita pentru epoca ei, le-am gasit pe net:

Bayerisches S2/6 No. 3201

Bayerisches Compound 4-4-4 S2/6 Number 3201
Built Maffei 1906 Total weight EXCL tender 84 tons
Number Built 1 loco No 3201 Fuel Coal
Withdrawn Around 1925, now preserved Fire grate area 50.6 sq feet
Cylinders 4, (HP) 16.2"x25.2", (LP) 24"x25.2" Max i.hp To follow
Driving Wheels 86.6" diameter Boiler Pressure 200 psi

Bayerisches S2/6 No. 3201 4-4-4 was a "once off" type of team locomotive designed to haul relatively light passenger trains on schedules that were, for the early 20th Century very fast. It is a four cylinder compound steam locomotive, the first of such a design to feature on this particular web page. By using the exhaust steam from the high pressure cylinders to operate two further low pressure cylinders this type of loco had a significant power advantage over similar sized "simple" designs.

What are the facts concerning this high speed journey?
The most important fact is that on 2nd July 1907 No. 3201 did not reach 100 mph! But in the progression from the early unsupported claims shown above for the first steam locomotive to have reached 100 mph, No. 3201 set a new highest authenticated speed for steam traction. That is why, with a speed of between 96 mph and 97.6 mph this locomotive earns it's place here.

The circumstances were a test run on 2nd July 1907 between München and Augsburg which in part was to test the builders claim that the loco was capable of 150 km/h, (93 mph). The exact recording method has not been identified yet, but for the present it is assumed that as this was a special test run proper arrangements were in place: if not there was little purpose in undertaking the test! It is said the maximum speed was reached on level track, but having timed steam over that route in 2002, (at up to 91 mph), I know the route to be quite undulating in places so the level track maximum may well have had the prior assistance of a downhill grade. There is a little doubt as to the exact maximum speed as German sources normally quote 96 mph, (154.5 km/h), whereas Baron Gerard Vuillet mentions it as 97.6 mph, (157 km/h). Whichever of those is correct does not detract from the fact that on July 2nd 1907 No. 3201 is likely to have set the fastest authentic speed by a steam loco up to that time.

Din pacate, stau la camera de bloc de 12mp si nu am unde sa le rulez :D
Stau ele in biblioteca, le mai mut din cand in cand de pe un rand secundar pe unul primar sa le vad mai bine.
Urmeaza o vitrina cand o sa am definitivata colectia